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🙂 A little too much from the looks of it, so I headed outside to enjoy the crisp, cool morning air with my drink in hand, safe from the creepy gaze of my favorite TV paper salesman. Dwight Schrute seemed to approve my morning beverage too. I enjoyed my Iced Salted Caramel Macchiato while working on the blog and watching The Office (because I try to multi task!). These coffees are a great option for people on the go, and for those who’d love to enjoy something a little more seasonal & different.

You guys know how I don’t want my coffee too sweet, so I was really happy that both the hot and the iced versions had a great balance of strong coffee and sweet & salty caramel flavor. I love how the milk is “marked” with the coffee in this drink, as you’d expect in classic macchiatos. The Salted Caramel Macchiato is available hot or iced! Mr K was on his way to work, so he opted for hot, while I went with the iced option.
Plus, this way you can collect points and get free offers too. The simple combination of coffee and steamed milk is boosted by their superior caramel syrup, resulting in the most delicious flavor combo. And the Dunkin’ Donuts version does not disappoint. The new Dunkin’ Donuts app made things easy too, because I could easily pull up my Dunkin’ Donuts coffee card on my phone and complete the transaction by simply presenting the phone screen to be scanned. Caramel Macchiato is a classic signature coffee at almost every coffee shop. As a massive breakfast and brunch food fanatic, I absolutely LOVE being able to have breakfast foods all day! Wouldn’t you?

On this particular day, Mr K and I stopped by for some salted caramel coffee for both of us, and a breakfast snack for him (I did steal one mini hash brown).
There are a lot of great flavor options, plus with their breakfast menu that’s available all-day, they are a delicious way to charge your batteries in the morning (and keep recharging them all day). I love the Dunkin’ Donuts’ fall-flavored menu. To taste as many of the delectable Dunkin’ Donuts’ Fall flavors as I possibly can, both brewed at home and at Dunkin’ Donuts! So when I heard about one of their new flavors – Salted Caramel Macchiato (a lovely blend of sweet and salty flavors) and the opportunity for me to try this new flavor – I made sure to stop by in the morning, the first chance I got. You may have noticed that I’ve been on a Dunkin’ Donuts mission lately. Try this new Salted Caramel Macchiato from Dunkin’ Donuts (hot or iced), for a delicious Fall-flavored pick me up in the mornings!

Thank you Dunkin’ Donuts for sponsoring this post.